Asian and Pacific Islander Complete Count Committee Charter
Adopted November 20, 2019. Note: These measures and timelines were adjusted to reflect the Census timeline following the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.
The Asian and Pacific Islander Complete Count Committee (API CCC) is established to ensure that all Asians and Pacific Islanders (API) in Minnesota are counted during Census 2020. The API CCC will connect and train stakeholders using existing resources, and develop new tools specific to the Asian and Pacific Islander community.
Committee Responsibilities
- Facilitate collaboration across a geographically and ethnically diverse group of API community leaders, whose focus is raising awareness of Census 2020 in Minnesota
- Develop and implement culturally-appropriate strategies to reach historically under-counted communities
- Build and maintain trust among community members with the U.S. Census Bureau, the MN Dept. of Administration, as well as other state and local government entities
- Generate coalitions and complete count committees within individual communities to act upon API CCC developed strategies
Chair Responsibilities
The API CCC has up to two chairs, elected by its members at its first convening. Chairs are responsible for determining meeting agendas and leading CCC meetings, in coordination with Council staff. Chairs may also be asked to make media appearances, and participate in other census-related events as representatives of the API CCC. Chairs must also provide updates every other month on API CCC activities to the Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans Board, during regular bimonthly board meetings.
Council Responsibilities
The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans must provide a statewide infrastructure to facilitate establishment of an Asian and Pacific Islander Complete Count Committee (API CCC), in order to support a complete API count during the Census 2020 enumeration. Council staff will assist API CCC members in goal-setting, strategy development, and work plan implementation.
- Empower and inform API community members about the census, and prepare residents to respond to mailed instruction cards and questionnaires
- Create trusted spaces for community members to ask questions, and when necessary, use technology to complete census questionnaire
- Utilize existing community knowledge, expertise, and influence of committee members to create a targeted census awareness campaign
- Develop and implement a culturally-responsive and coordinated statewide information and outreach strategy for historically under-counted groups
- Report on progress of outreach efforts in different communities, and adapt strategies based on lessons-learned
- Encourage the candidacy and hiring of Asian and Pacific islander staff by the U.S. Census Bureau
Phase I: Capacity-Building (September 2019 - January 2020)
- Establish API CCC membership and select chairs
- Set monthly meeting schedule through August 2020
- Identify and address knowledge and/or experience gaps between members
- Develop and adopt work plan for API CCC
- Establish sub-CCCs (SCCC) to identify other community partners/stakeholders (e.g. professional affiliations, religious entities, mainstream service organizations, local government) and commit to updating them on committee activities
- Create and/or utilize culturally-appropriate informational and educational resources; material goods (e.g. buttons, stickers, shirts); and, outreach and advertising strategies (e.g. social media, newsletters, banners, posters, billboards)
- Identify community events for census outreach
- Reach out to local and ethnic media
- Promote U.S. Census Bureau hiring within communities
- Build expertise with existing toolkits and education materials
Phase II: Promotion and Roll-Out (January 2020 – March 2020)
- Presence at events/rallies/festivals
- Finalize strategies for member outreach
- Deploy census awareness campaign, including material goods, and strategies
- Coordinate sub-CCC (SCCC) activities with local officials and government CCCs
- Establish Question Assistance Centers at community-based organizations
Phase III: Action (March 2020 – September 2020)
- Deploy API CCC defined strategies for census form completion
- Include reminders to complete and return questionnaire in phone messages, email signatures, and public speaking engagements
- Present materials at community events
- Follow direction from U.S. Census Bureau on hard-to-count communities
- Target outreach to communities who have yet to complete census form
Phase IV: Closing (October 2020)
- Sunset API CCC
- Reflection on success and challenges of API CCC
- Identify on-going opportunities for coalition, including 2030 Census