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Supervision Agreement

The Supervision Agreement is an optional tool available to applicants who are starting their post-doctoral experience. The agreement allows the Board to evaluate the applicant’s post-doctoral experience more easily and ensures the applicant and supervisor have an equal understanding of the statutory requirements of the post-doctoral experience. The applicant works with a Board staff member who will review the agreement and offer clarification about the applicable rules and statutes that apply to the post-doctoral experience. The agreement is not an employment contract, rather it should be considered a tool to assist the applicant in the licensure process.
The Supervision Agreement allows for a pre-approval by Board staff of the applicant’s post-doctoral experience. If the applicant chooses to utilize the agreement, the applicant will complete the agreement with the primary supervisor and submit it to Board staff for review and pre-approval before the start of the post-doctoral experience. This review and pre-approval will entail confirmation that the experience, as it is written, meets the requirements in statute. If additional changes need to be made, Board staff will review points relating to statute that need to be revised.
If the post-doctoral experience is carried out as stated in the Supervision Agreement, the certified document will streamline the application review process for the applicant and the primary supervisor. A condensed version of the Supervision Attestation form will be available for the primary supervisor. The condensed form will be supported by the certified Supervision Agreement and will be reviewed concurrently as part of the licensure final review process. 
A fee of $50.00 will be charged for each Supervision Agreement. Please contact the Licensure Unit for more details: 

Supervision Log

Applicants are not required to use the form provided by the Board to track hours in supervision.  The supervision log is created as a courtesy tool that easily provides the requisite data that may be requested during the licensing process.  Applicants and supervisors are free to track the postdegree supervised psychological employment experience in any format that meets the requirements of the Psychology Practice Act. 
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