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License & Registration Renewal for 2025 remains open. All non-renewed Minnesota Doctor of Chiropractic Licenses, Professional Firms, and Animal Chiropractic Registrations have expired as of January 1 and renewal penalties per Minn. R. 2500.1100 have been imposed. Practicing Chiropractic under a non-renewed license is considered grounds for discipline Minn. Stat. 148.10 Subd. 1 (a) (7). Click Renew Your License to complete renewal.
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Whether a chiropractor can utilize Mobile MRI services is not at issue. The legality lies in whether ordering services involves any financial considerations that may influence your use of the service. Things to consider before treading into dangerous territory:
These are the more common issues seen by the Board. You are strongly advised to seek legal counsel in any situation in which you may be considering such an option. SPECIAL NOTE: It has come to the attention of the Board that some doctors are being shown Board letters in which cases have been dismissed. DO NOT BE MISLED INTO BELIEVING IN ANY WAY, that this represents a policy or stance of the Board. Any such letter is very specific to an individual recipient, while other similar cases did result in Board Action. Each case will be considered on its own merits and evidence.