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9/21/2018 3:35:31 PM
Pete Lindstrom from the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) and Jordan Wente from the Office of Enterprise Sustainability have had a busy September - driving all around Xcel Energy territory. The mission: to facilitate site tours between 3 contractors, 12 public entities, and 47 sites. In solar capacity terms, these projects could total to about 4 MWp DC. This is all part of the Solar Possible project. You can read more about the project here.
Included in this joint-RFP are some exciting projects such as 5 sites at the capitol complex and an innovative installation inside a DOT right-of-way. The Master Contract vendors are currently pricing the sites and will respond on 09/28/2018. After that, a multi-disciplinary and multi-organizational team will evaluate all the proposals. The final result will be a A) best cash price and B) a best financed purchase option. It will be up to the local governments to decide on A) or B) or neither for each site.
Here are some pictures from the site visits.
Jordan climbs out of a roof hatch.
Jordan and Mouli discussing PV module technology.
Found a cool old clock in the clock tower of the Faribault Library. Such a beautiful building!
The whole crew standing on the Veteran Service Building, a potential solar site.