The Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA) is located at 328 W. Kellogg Blvd. in St. Paul. State Archaeologist Amanda Gronhovd and her assistant Bruce Koenen are in the office most week days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Both are almost always in the office on Mondays when not traveling or doing fieldwork. When they are traveling, they frequently check email and voicemail. If you would like to meet with either Amanda or Bruce, please call or email ahead of time. You may also call or email if you have questions or concerns regarding state archaeology.
Office Email Address:
Office Fax Number: 612-725-2427
Amanda Gronhovd
Office Phone: 651-201-2263
Bruce Koenen
Office Phone: 651-201-2264
Jennifer Tworzyanski
Office Phone: 651-201-2265
OSA is located at the 328 W. Kellogg Blvd. in St. Paul . For the complete mailing address and directions, reference our Location page.
Some resources may only be found in the OSA office for practicality or confidentiality reasons. These include:
Note: OSA restricts non-professional use of the site file and will not supply private individuals or firms with electronic copies of the site database. OSA does not have a set of United State Geological Survey (USGS) maps, which would show archaeological site locations, information on buildings and structures, and a complete set of archaeological reports, especially reports done for federal purposes.
The Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) Archaeology Department is also located at 328 W. Kellogg Blvd. The MNHS Archaeology Department maintains archaeological artifact collections obtained by MNHS archaeologists, by the University of Minnesota prior to 2000, and from contract archaeologists who have curation agreements with MHS. There are also artifact comparative collections including lithic raw material types. View their resources and contact information on the MNHS website.
The Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is located at the Administration Building on the State Capitol Complex. SHPO has paper and electronic versions of the archaeological site file, USGS maps showing site locations, a file of archaeological reports submitted to SHPO, paper and electronic files containing building and structure information, and a set of historic context documents. SHPO also restricts public access to the archaeological site files. The main MNHS library is located in the History Center across the street from our office. View SHPO resources and contact information on the SHPO website.