Many key archaeological reports that have been written over the last 40 years are not formally published, but are "contract completion reports" done for the purposes of environmental review and then submitted to review agencies like the Minnesota Historic Preservation Office (MnHPO) and the State Archaeologist. The selected references that appear below have, for the most part, been published in publicly accessible books and journals.
1881 Red Lake Potsherds. Minnesota Academy of Science Bulletin 2:96
1884a Central Minnesota Paleolithic Quartz Implements. American Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings 33(2):593.
1884b Vestiges of Glacial Man in Minnesota. American Naturalist 18(6):594-605.
1889 Quartzes from Little Falls, Minnesota. American Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings 38:333-339.
1897 The Missouri River at Its Utmost Source. St. Paul, Minnesota.
1898 Prehistoric Man at the Headwaters of the Mississippi River. Minnesota Historical Collections 8:232-269.
1901 Kathio. Memoirs of Explorations in the Basin of the Mississippi. H.L. Collins, St. Paul.
1902 Kakabikansing. Memoirs of Explorations in the Basin of the Mississippi. H.L. Collins, St. Paul.
1903 Minnesota: Discovery of Its Area 1540-1665. Memoirs of Explorations in the Basin of the Mississippi. H.L. Collins, St. Paul.
1904 Itasca State Park. Minnesota Historical Society Collections 11
1883 Mounds of the Mississippi Basin. Magazine of American History 9. March.
1986 Mounds of the Red River of the North. American Antiquarian 8:369-371.
1887 Incised Boulders in the Upper Minnesota Valley. American Naturalist 21:639-642.
1887 Quartz Workers of Little Falls. The American Antiquarian, March.
1889 Mound Builder Copper Mines. The American Antiquarian 11:293.
1890 Cave Drawings. Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events, 1889, new series 14:117-122.
1890 Stone Monuments in Northwestern Iowa and Southwestern Minnesota. American Anthropologist 3:269.
1894 Early Man in Minnesota. American Geologist 13:363.
1901 Man in the Ice Age at Lansing, Kansas, and Little Falls, Minnesota. American Geologist 30:135- 150.
1979 A Handbook of Minnesota Prehistoric Ceramics. Occasional Publications in Minnesota Anthropology No. 5, Minnesota Archaeological Society, St. Paul. (editor)
1984 Cultural and Natural Aspects of Mound Distribution in Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist 41:53-71.
1990 Archaeological Regions in Minnesota and the Woodland Period. The Woodland Tradition in the Western Great Lakes, edited by G. Gibbon, pp. 135-166. University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology No. 4, Minneapolis.
1997 Southwestern Minnesota Archaeology. Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul.
1990 Climatic Change and Culture in Minnesota. In The Woodland Tradition in the Western Great Lakes, edited by G. Gibbon, pp. 213-232. University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology No. 4, Minneapolis.
2003 Minnesota’s Indian Mounds and Burial Sites: A synthesis of Prehistoric and Early Historic Archaeological Data. Publication 1, Office of the State Archaeologist, St. Paul.
1969 The Archaeology of Petaga Point: The Preceramic Component. Minnesota Prehistoric Archaeology Series No. 2, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1974 The Archaeology of the Snake River Region in Minnesota. In Aspects of Upper Great Lakes Anthropology, edited by E. Johnson, pp. 64-73. Prehistoric Archaeology Series, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1982 Oneota Settlement Patterns in the Blue Earth River Valley, Minnesota. In Oneota Studies, edited by G. Gibbon, pp. 55-68, University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology Number 1, Mpls.
1973 The Sheffield Site: An Oneota Site on the St. Croix River. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1974 A Model of Mississippian Development and Its Implications for the Red Wing Area. In Aspects of Upper Great Lakes Anthropology, Papers in Honor of Lloyd A. Wilford, edited by E. Johnson, Minnesota Prehistoric Archaeology Series, No. 11, Minnesota Historical Society.
1979 The Mississippian Occupation of the Red Wing Area. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1982 Oneota Studies. Publications in Anthropology No. 1, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. (editor)
1983 The Blue Earth Phase of Southern Minnesota. Journal of the Iowa Archaeological Society 30:1- 84.
1986 Does Minnesota Have an Early Woodland? In Early Woodland Archaeology, edited by K.B. Farnsworth and T.E. Emerson, pp. 84-91. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville Seminars in Archeology No.2.
1990 The Woodland Tradition in the Western Great Lakes, University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology No. 4, Minneapolis. (editor)
1991 Middle Mississippian Presence in Minnesota. In Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest, T. Emerson and R. Lewis, editors. Pp. 207-220, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
1993 The Middle Missouri tradition in Minnesota. In Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Western Prairies and Northern Plains: Papers in Honor of Robert A. Alex, J. Tiffany, editor. Pp. 169- 188.Memorir 27, Plains Anthropological Society
1994 Cultures of the Upper Mississippi River Valley and Adjacent Prairies in Iowa and Minnesota. In Plains Indians, AD 500-1500: The Archaeological Past of Historic Groups, K. Schlesier, editor. Pp. 124-148. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
1995 Oneota at the Periphery: Trade, Political Power, and Ethnicity in Northern Minnesota and on the Northeastern Plains in the Late Prehistoric Period. In Oneota Archaeology Past and Future Research, W. Green, editor. Pp. 175-199. Report 20. Office of the State Archaeologist, Iowa City.
1998 Old Copper in Minnesota: A Review. Plains Anthropologist 43(163):27-50.
2008 Orwell: A Plains Middle Woodland Burial Complex in Western Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist 67:106-123.
2012 Archaeology of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
1936 Pleistocene Man in Minnesota. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
1937 Minnesota’s Browns Valley Man and Associated Burial Artifacts. American Anthropological Association Memoirs, No. 49
1961 Cambria Burial Mounds in Big Stone County. The Minnesota Archaeologist 23:53-81.
1962 The Prehistory of the Red River Valley. Minnesota History 31(4):151-164.
1964 Twenty New Radiocarbon Dates from Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist 26(2):5.
1964 Copper Artifacts and Glacial Lake Agassiz Beaches. The Minnesota Archaeologist, 26:5-22
1964 An Archaeology Program for Minnesota. Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. St. Paul.
1969 Archaeological Evidence for Utilization of Wild Rice. Science 163:276-277.
1971 Excavations at the Gull Lake Dam (21CA27). The Minnesota Archaeologist 31(2):44-69.
1971 The Northern Margin of the Prairie Peninsula. Journal of the Iowa Archaeological Society 18:13-21.
1973 The Arvilla Complex. Minnesota Prehistoric Archaeology Series No. 9, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1974 Aspects of Upper Great Lakes Archaeology. Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul. (editor)
1988 The Prehistoric Peoples of Minnesota (Revised 3rd edition). Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul.
1991 Cambria and Cahokia’s Northwestern Periphery. In New Perspectives on Cahokia: Views from the Periphery, J. Stoltman, editor. Pp. 307-318. Prehistory Press, Madison.
1976 The Jeffers Petroglyph Site. Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul.
1983 The Alton Anderson Site (21WW4), Watonwan County, Minnesota. Minnesota Archaeological Society, St. Paul.
1978 The Blackduck Ceramics of the Smith Site (21KC3) and Their Implications for the History of Blackduck Ceramics and Culture in Northern Minnesota. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 3(1):45-68.
2001 The Lake of the Woods/Rainy River Late Paleoindian Complex: An Initial Assessment from the Rainy River Region of Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist 60:87-98.
1999 A Late Paleoindian Lithic Workshop in East-Central Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist 58. Minnesota Historical Society
1981 Minnesota Statewide Archaeological Survey Summary 1977-1980. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1979 The Dead River Site (21OT51). Minnesota Archaeological Society, St. Paul.
1980 Ecotonal Subsistence and Settlement in the Northern Midwest. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 5:151-168.
1983 The Red River Valley in the Prehistory of the Northern Plains. Plains Anthropologist 28(99):23-31.
1986 The Archaeology of the Canning Site. The Minnesota Archaeologist 45(1):3-36.
1987 The Archaeology of the Mooney Site (21NR29). The Minnesota Archaeologist 46(2):39-66.
1990 Perspectives on the Late Prehistory of the Northeastern Plains. In The Woodland Tradition in the Western Great Lakes, edited by G. Gibbon, pp. 45-54. University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology No. 4, Minneapolis.
2005 A Prairie Blackduck Site in Northwestern Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist 64:49-84.
1971 The Itasca Bison Kill Site. Minnesota Prehistoric Archaeology Series 6, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1978 Late Prehistoric Bison and Deer Use in the Eastern Prairie-Forest Border. Plains Anthropologist 23:194-212.
1974 The Pre-ceramic Archaeology of Northern Minnesota. In Aspects of Upper Great Lakes Anthropology: Papers in Honor of Lloyd A. Wilford, edited by E. Johnson, pp. 64-73. Minnesota Prehistoric Series 11, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1990 Late woodland Subsistence Systems and Settlement Size in the Mille Lacs Area. In Woodland Tradition in the Western Great Lakes, G. Gibbon, editor. Pp. 55-75. Publications in Anthropology 4. Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota.
1941 A Tentative Classification of the Prehistoric Cultures of Minnesota. American Antiquity 6:231-249
1944 The Prehistoric Indians of Minnesota: The Mille Lacs Aspect, Minnesota History 25:329-341.
1945 Three Village Sites of the Mississippian Pattern in Minnesota. American Antiquity 11:32-40.
1945 The Prehistoric Indians of Minnesota: The Headwaters Lake Aspect. Minnesota History, 26:312-329.
1950 The Prehistoric Indians of Minnesota: Some Mounds of the Rainy River Aspect. Minnesota History, 31:163-167.
1952 The McKinstry Mounds of the Rainy River Aspect. The Minnesota Archaeologist 18(2):10-14.
1954 The La Moille Rockshelter. The Minnesota Archaeologist 19(2):17-24.
1955 A Revised Classification of the Prehistoric Cultures of Minnesota. American Antiquity 21:130-142
1960 The First Minnesotans. In Minnesota Heritage, edited by L.M. Brings, pp. 40-79. T.S. Denison, Minneapolis.
1970 Burial Mounds of the Red River Headwaters. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
1989 Archaeology of the Central Minneapolis Riverfront, Part 1. The Minnesota Archaeologist 48.
1990 Archaeology of the Central Minneapolis Riverfront, Part 2. The Minnesota Archaeologist 49.
1993 Archaeological and Historical Studies of Minnesota's Lake Superior Shipwrecks. Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office, St. Paul. (editor)
1996 The Wreck of the USS Essex. Minnesota History 55(3):94-103
1997 History Underwater: Studies of Submerged Cultural Resources in Minnesota. Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office, St. Paul. (editor)
1999 Territorial Views: Remnants of the Built Environment. Minnesota History, pp. 98-106. Special Issue, Making Minnesota Territory, 1848-1858.
2003 Unearthing the Invisible. Minnesota History 58:320-331.
1973 Grey Cloud: An Archaeological Approach. The Minnesota Archaeologist 32 (1 and 2).
1992 Putting Minnesota on the Map: Early French Presence in the Folle Avoine Region Southwest of Lake Superior. The Minnesota Archaeologist 51:7-26
1992 The Mdewakanton Sioux and Initial French Contact. In Calumet and Fleur-de-Lys: Archaeology of Indian and French Contact in the Midcontinent, John Walthall and Thomas Emerson, editors. Pp. 203-240. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
1985 The 17th Century Mdewakanton Dakota Subsistence Mode. In Archaeology, Ecology, and Ethnohistory of the Prairie-Forest Border Zone of Minnesota and Manitoba, E. Johnson and J. Spector, editors. Pp. 154-166. J and L Reprints, Lincoln.
1982 Where Two Worlds Meet: The Great Lakes Fur Trade. Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul.
1992 The Grand Portage Story. Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul.