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Visit the OSA

Office of the State Archaeologist
328 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102

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Visiting the OSA
The OSA is open to visitors by appointment only, between 10 am and 4 pm, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. If you cannot visit during our scheduled hours, please let us know and we will work with you to find a time for your visit. Although masks are not required, we do encourage masking while visiting the OSA.

* Please do not visit our office if you are not feeling well *

You can schedule an appointment by emailing the OSA at: In your reservation email, tell us:

  • Date and time you'd like to visit
  • How long of an appointment you'd like to schedule
  • What types of information you like to access (e.g., reports, site files, burial information)

Please be aware that we will not offer access to the Portal in our office, but do have hard copies of the information included in the Portal.
We also have an older computer and scanner that you may use, but we recommend that you bring you own jump drive for saving files. As always, you are welcome to bring your own technology (computer, scanner, phone/camera, etc.)

Location and Accessing the OSA

We are located at: 328 West Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN. You may park in the lot at the front of the building on Kellogg Blvd, or on College Avenue, by the Archaeology door (recommended).

When visiting the OSA, please use the side "Archaeology" door located on College Avenue West. To the left of the door is a call box that you will use to request entry to the building. Use the up and down arrows to select "OSA." We will answer and buzz you in. The OSA is on the left after you go through the door at the top of the short flight of stairs.

Arch ENtrance from College Ave W

Archaeology entrance from College Avenue West

The call box for the OSA is left of the Archaeology doors

The call box for the OSA is left of the Archaeology doors

Use the arrows to select and ring the OSA

Use the arrows to select and ring the OSA

Note: Meter parking is available in the lot.

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